Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Going Crazy
So yesterday was way beyond crazy. Mason cried for three hours in the morning and had an extremely hard time going down for a nap. Jet kept taking off her diaper. Luckily she wasn't wetting all over. She learned her lesson last time with pooping out of the diaper gets her into major trouble. So I called my wise sister and asked what are some options I could do. I chose to start duct taping on her diapers. She only needs it twice before her nap and when she goes to bed. the whole rest of the day there are no problems of that sort. Kellen didn't get home until right as I was getting ready to put Jet in bed. He felt bad that what he was doing took him so long because he knew that I needed a break fom the kids and he wasn't home to help me. He held Mason for me until it was time again for him to eat, which really helped to calm my poor nerves. He doesn't know what I suffer. wink wink Mason finally went to bed at about 10 pm and slept through the night. he sleeps through the night because he has found his thumb. Yes that is right I have a thumb-sucker and everyday I loose ground with the binki. He likes after a bottle, but other than that he has begun to prefer his thumb. I love the sleeping through the night except that I wake up early in the morning hurting from being so full. That kid eats a lot. I figured that he is eating between 4 to 6 oz. a feeding. No wonder he is huge right. Anyway that is all I goy right now. Today is Kellen's dad's birthday. Mom is having a little party tonight. Which also means that I do not have to cook dinner. Hurrah! Until next time. Oh and for those who don't know Kellen and I going to buy the house that we are in. Another Hurrah. I tey to get some pictures up sometime. mostly for before and after shots.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Mason's Blessing
Here is the most recent family picture we have. It was a wonderful sunny day which was nice because the weather man was predicting a lot of snow, but the storm went around us and we enjoyed a nice day. Soup and salad and lots of desserts were fed into our tummies and we enjoyed it. I wanted to thank those who brought stuff to help. We sure missed those who couldn't come. But we'll see youat Mom's for Thanksgiving.
I know it is way passed Halloween, but my computer wouldn't upload the pictures from the memory card so I had to wait until it would. We had fun. Our ward had a trunk or treat on the Tuesday before and combined it with a ward party. It had to have been the coldest day of that whole week, but oh well we still had fun.
At the party Mason was a cutiesaur, courtesy of one of the outfits Cody gave me. Kellen went as a government worker. (He had just gotten off from work)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Yes that is right. We are moving. We are going to be loading up all of our stuff this Friday into a large enclosed trailer and head on down the road towards Arco. We will be living in our camper for a short while while we find a place adequate for us to live in. AKA Kellen wants to buy a home and so we still are looking around. My Mason is growing like a weed. I have already had to decide that his 0-3 month onesies are too small and that he needs to be in a 3-6 month onesie. It is mainly because he is so long. I don't know how I will keep up with him. Juliet continues to be my super helper and mimmicks what I do with Mason with one of her toy babies. Yesterday she tried to nurse the baby, but what I think was the funniest was when she grabbed a burb cloth and tried to burp her toy baby, then proceeded to change its diaper by putting it on the changing pad and getting a diaper. She also likes to try and get a hold of my pump. The funny thing with this is that she puts it over her belly button and laughs. She has been very helpful with me packing up boxes. She even started packing up my kitchen towels and her bibs to make sure they came along. Last night she was so sweet with Mason. He was in the swing so he could see what was going on and she was over there gently pushing the swing for him, then she would lay her head in his lap and hum. It was so very cute and I wasn't fast enough to get a picture. Anyway that is the latest update with our lives.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Can I get a break
I had forgotten how much sleep you lose with a new baby. Mason is 1 month old today. He is growing like a weed. I am not surprised because he eats a lot. Most newborn babies are satisfied with 2-3 ounces of milk, Mason wants 5 at the very least and he still nurses every 3 hours sometime less. He is going to go throught clothes faster than Juliet I think because some of my 0-3month clothes are already starting to be a little bit small. He might stay in them for one more month. Also we are working like crazy to get things together for the closing on our house. Doing quotes and deciding where we will put stuff. I will try later to put up some pictures that we took of the inside of it. Once again must take care of munchkins. This break is over.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
He's Here
Friday, July 31, 2009
Woodland Reunion 2009
Here is Juliet. She can't wait to get into the little wading pool that my sister brought to help us keep the littlest kids cooled down in the heat. It seemed that it was scheduled over the hottest weekend of the summer, but we had a blast. I pulled the camper and thus had A/C and that helped with me being large and pregnant.
Jet in the camper. She thought it was so fun to be camping.
Kelly reunion
So Kellen and I were invited for the 4th of July weekend to go to the Kelly's (close friends of ours) reunion. This is a pic of where we set up our tent.

This was the only time that Jet's bear was allowed outside the tent. She was so excited that Mom let her have it. It was being used as a comforting and calming tool, because this is after her and I had our little spill with the 4-wheeler.
They are working hard to build a little cabin and Jet was more than willing to help. She mostly held a hammer.
This is a pic of the ride home. It loaded out of order and I am not smart enough to get it where I want it. Jet had a lot of fun, but was ready to come home.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Not here Yet
I went to the doc and am at a three, but my baby boy has yet to make his debute. I am suddenly realizing that I am really running out of time to do things before Mason arrives. I have cleaned my whole house today, mostly because I have been slacking and today it really was bothering me that the house was a mess, so I cleaned it. I keep wanting to re-arrange my closets, but know that is too big of a job to do in the amount of time that Jet takes for her nap. anyway so Kellen and i went a saw the Newest Harry Potter and really enjoyed it. Kellen has not read the books and it was a long time ago that I did so we had a blast. Kellen got on a harry potter kick and has been telling me for a while that he would like it if we owned the series. Well on Monday he went and bought them. I thought it was funny because I wanted them too and now we have them. Our movie collection has increased quite a bit here in the last little while. We get into movie watching moods and bam we own movies. Usually the $5 ones at wally world. Write again another day.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
So our apartment has no air conditioning, but is also on the third level and so each day I cook a little more from the sun beating down on the building. I am due August 9th and so am in that final two week run, where time really slows down. I try to keep busy doing projects to help keep my mind off the fact that time is moving so slowly. Jet has decided that it is cool to help mommy with some stuff mostly because she ends up getting a reward of some sort for helping me out. Positive reenforcement. School will be starting again soon. I am signed up to take nine credits and then in December I will be done. I cannot wait until that happens. Jet also has really begun to understand that when Kellen and I ask her to fold her arms that it is time for prayer and that she is supposed to be quiet. She does really well and will sometimes talk as though she is saying the prayer. It is really cute. Kellen and I now own the whole Star Wars Series and the last three even have the old version with the yup, yup song on Return of the Jedi. We are watching them. One per night after Juliet has gone to bed. Ashley tell your sister congrats for me. It is exciting to have kids. Kara when do you find out what you are having?
Have to go to take care of my munchkin.
Have to go to take care of my munchkin.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Moving Slow
It has been some time since my last update. I am sorry about that. I am hugely pregnant and so it takes me a lot more time to accomplish all the things I set out for myself to do and this usually is on the list, but at the bottom. Mostly because I try to do a billion things when Jet goes down for her nap that I really do run out of time. Last weekend was my family's reunion and we went to Massacre Rocks and fried ourselves. It was so hot and shade was limited. I had my camper which is what I credit my survival to. I did get swollen ankles from the ordeal, but it was all in the name of fun. Jet absolutely loved the little wading pool that was brought and has since we got home tried to get herself into one of my big bowls like it was a wading pool. I was proud of myself with the camping trip in that when I went I had to go by myself because Kellen had to work, so if I wanted the camper I had to pull it. I had never really pulled a trailer before and was quite nervous, but I did awesome I might say. Kellen gave me a few pointers on driving and that really helped. He was proud of me for pulling the camper all by myself. I did have help in hooking up to it and I knew it would be better if I had someone with more experience back it up. I am grateful to have such a helpful family. Juliet really enjoyed the trip even though her daddy wasn't there. On Sunday she was so excited to have Kellen back that she didn't complain at all when he would sit her in his lap at church. It made our lives easier. The week continues on and Kellen has to work overtime again. In a way he is really excited about it because that means we will have the extra money to fix a few things on our "giant" truck that we have been putting off for a time. Well that's all I have time for because it is time to put Jet down for a nap.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Okay so I just finished re-reading the twilight series again last night and so that is my excuse for not blogging because I read while Juliet takes her nap rather than dink around on the computer. This last week was state for high school rodeo and Kellen's youngest brother got to compete in three events. He did really well for a freshman and his first year at state. My belly continues to grow into the basketball size it is. Sitting for long periods of time has become quite a pain to deal with. Last Saturday I went to my friend, Kacy's wedding in Idaho Falls. The building was amazing and Kacy was telling me later that it used to be an old Mormon church built in the 1900s. They had remodelled the inside. Yesterday was Father's Day and Kellen got peanuts, and a bag of reese's peanut butter cups. I also got a bag of hugs and kisses to try to do a cute little saying, but I just told him about it because I didn't end up getting it all together in time. He was excited though to have the peanut type candy. I told him that Juliet was NOT allowed to have any peanuts. I did catch him twice letting her have a taste of a reese's peanut butter cup, but he was good about the peanuts even though Jet was demanding them from him he didn't give in. My little Juliet is so smart. I know she can say quite a few words, but she likes not having to use them. It is almost a game to her to see how long she can go before having to say anything. Her most common word is "no" and she even will shake her finger, which is really quite cute especially because when she says no it is usually the correct response to what is being done. Kellen has a pair of pants that have a hole in the knee and the other day he was wearing them and when Jet saw the hole she was saying "no, no" and was very concerned that dad had a hole in his pants. It was very funny to see her face when she looked at the hole not sure what to do about it, because she knew that was not right. We are currently working on folding our arms and saying amen. She is starting to fold her arms for about half the prayer. The other day though I had already given her her waffle and she was eating away at it when I said it was time to pray and asked her to fold her arms. She did, but still held onto the waffle and was trying to sneak bites during the prayer like she knew that she wasn't supposed to. I couldn't help but laugh at little after the prayer. Anyway I think that will be all for today. See you again later.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
All Smiles
I know it has been a while since I last updated here, but I don't turn on my computer during the day so then i can accomplish more during the day. Juliet has been cutting her molars and is down to finish cutting the last two. i am so excited because she has been really difficult with cutting these teeth. I was going to put up a picture of her that I just think is so adorable, but it won't load up right for some reason and I am not patient enough to figure it out. This last weekend Kellen and I loaded up and went camping in Salmon. It sure is beautiful and green up there. It was my first time there and we sure had fun. Brant, Kellen's youngest brother is in high school rodeo and the Salmon rodeo is the last rodeo before State, which is in Pocatello. We are sure proud of Brant he is going to State in all three of the events that he does. Steer Wrestling, Calf-roping, and team roping. He also won two belt buckles, one for steer wrestling and the other for being rookie of the year. He is a freshman in high school. he also received a jacket for going to state. Kellen and I camped in our trailer at the grounds and i was nervous about where we were going to put Juliet to sleep, because we didn't have a way to secure her in a bed. so she wouldn't roll off on the ground. We ended up putting her on the table fold down into a bed because it is the widest. She did amazingly well and loved the idea of being in a big kid bed. I have decided to read the twilight series again since Kellen and I rented the movie a while ago and he was asking me what was and wasn't in the book. I couldn't remember everything so i am re-reading it. kellen mostly wanted to know if it followed the book because the movie Eragon doesn't follow the book very well and he had read the book after watching the movie. Well that is about all i will put down today.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Keep going
Okay so the school semester is starting to really wind down and there are a million projects one must put off a little longer to fully procrastinate and then suddenly get done. I fortunately am not one of those people. I don't have a ton of projects that are piling up, but I am trying to figure out what to take next semester and I want easy classes. The problem is that I think I have already taken all the low number classes. So I don't know what to do. School is going well for me. I am staying caught up and am surprisingly doing really really well in my structural geology class. At least I understand the labs and the complicated stereonets that we are currently doing. Tonight Kellen and I are going to the Dodge Rodeo. I am way excited. We didn't get to go last year because Juliet was so new and we didn't think she would do well, but we are going this year. My belly is growing. I am really starting to show and waddle around when I walk. Oh and I forgot to write that we found out what we are having and it is a ............ BOY!! We haven't come to find a name yet, but we are working on it. Well that has been my life in a nutshell for the last little while it has been in a rut of going to school, but I always feel that I am in a rut at this time in the school year. That's just me. I am looking forward to being out of school, but not to being big and pregnant over the whole summer. I think Juliet will like it too when she can stay with me. She does like going to her cousin's house, but some mornings she is so mad at me for leaving her there, but it makes it all better when I pick her up and we go home and she gets to see her daddy. She has like an internal clock that knows he gets off work at five because she starts looking at his picture and gets whiny. It is hard to keep her entertained while also trying to cook a nice dinner for my honey until he gets home. When he walks in that door, Jet runs to him and won't give him time to take off his coat before she gives him a hug and wants picked up. I think it really makes Kellen's day when she does that. Well that really is all I have. Until another time. Ta.
Monday, March 16, 2009
A working sink
Okay so the sink in our bathroom has never really worked right and drained really, really slow. We knew that we were going to have to pull off the pipe and clean it out, but we kept putting it off. I was complaining about it the other day and Kellen told me that as soon as I cleared out all the stuff that is under the sink he would clean it all out. So I went to work and got the bathroom ready for my handyman husband to fix the sink. Juliet was anxious to be in on all the action and kept trying to take the bucket I had gotten for Kellen to use. So I sat there holding Juliet while Kellen pulled off the pipe. Jet was not happy that she couldn't help or see well enough so I decided to shut the door because the smell was awful and I couldn't take it. Now our sink is in perfect working order. Kellen told me that that sink hasn't been cleared out in years because the junk that was clogging the pipe went clear back into the pipe that was going into the wall. When he dumped it in the dumpster it looked like a rat. GROSS I know, but I am so happy that it was done. It seems that almost each apartment we have moved into we have had to clean out the drain on the bathroom sink, which just like this one haven't been clean out in years. So I guess that is all I really have got for you readers today. Write again another time, probably when I am putting off doing some homework. That is always when I feel the real need to blogand update.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Juliet's Birthday
So I need to say thank you to all my family that was able to come and for what you brought to help with the meal. I tried to thank each of you, but I am sure I missed a few, so THANK YOU for helping to make Jet's birthday so memorable at least for Kellen and I. Jet probably won't remember it, but we will.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Old Pictures
Okay so I know that these pictures are really old. From Christmas, but as I was looking at my own blog I realized that I hadn't put any pictures up for a long time. Mainly because these are some of the last pictures we have taken. Right after we came back from Christmas holiday my whole family got sick with the flu and it got Jet first. Needless to say she threw up in sacrament meeting and we left. Well luckily( or however you look at it) Jet mostly got the diaper bag and the wipes were quickly used to wipe the bag and as best I could the carpet. We noticed that the side pocket the spilled contents went into was the one where I had quickly put the camera to ensure it came home with us from my parents. It was covered and so we really haven't used it since then. Mostly because after some testing we discovered that the battery needed charged back up and we couldn't find it. ( I had put it somewhere safe and I couldn't remember where that was) So toady I made it my mission to find the charger and I did. So there should be some newer pictures forth coming but today you get to look at christmas photos (Oh how fun)
This is after all the presents have been opened at my parents house and we put Jet in this box. She played in it for quite a while. (long enough for me to get a couple of pictures)
I was goofing around with Jet and she loved the idea of the santa hat.
Although she didn't want to keep it on her head for very long I was able to get this picture
This is Jet in yet another box, but this was before Christmas when I was wrapping up all the presents. She was so anxious to help that I put her in the box to try to contain her for a few minutes so I could finish with the last present I was wrapping.
Hope you enjoyed my rewind back to Christmas.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
I am so proud
Okay so here is a story again about Juliet. So yesterday After Kellen got home from work he got in the fridge and grabbed a can of Country Time Strawberry Lemonade and was drinking it as I was finishing putting dinner together to put in the oven. Jet comes into the kitchen, missing her daddy and sees his drink and wants some. Kellen decides that we hadn't given her anything sweet in her sippy for quite a while and that she could have the little bit that was left. After he poured what was left in the can into the sippy he left the can on the counter and went into the livingroom I am still in the kitchen cleaning up my mess and Jet has drain every drop that she can get out of the sippy and man that girl is smart. She can see the can that dad poured the drink into her cup up on the counter still and decided it might have some more. So she grips the sippy in her teeth and moves the stool (always in my kitchen because I am so short) over towards the counter. She then attempts to climb up on the stool, but it is still a little too high for her and she is still chicken enough to not pursue climbing up on the stool. I was laughing and so proud of how smart my little girl was that if there had still been some drink left I would have given it to her for her valiant effort. So that is my story for the day hope you enjoyed it.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
New Boots
Okay so Kellen and I decided that we really needed to get Juliet some shoes. She has been going around in just socks and occasionally in shoes that are too small. This is mostly because we don't have the next size up in shoes. So we went shopping the other day and Kellen told me that he wanted to get her boots. We went to Vickers to see whaat they had. We found some cute ones, but when we tried to put them on her they wouldn't go on. Her feet are too fat and wide. So while at Vickers we realized that if we were going to get her anything it would have to be in a size bigger than what her foot actually was so it would go in the shoe. We decided to look at another store to see if we could find a better deal. We went to Walmart to get groceries and wipes ( We were out and running on the few that are stored in the diaper bag) I stopped to look at the kids shoes and they were having a sale on a few types of shoes. I wanted to see if it still proved true that we would need a bigger size even though the shoes weren't boots. It proved true, she still needed a bigger size. We found a pair of boots on sale for a third of the price of the ones we found at Vickers so we bought them and Juliet loves them. She goes hunting around the house for them. She carries them around and will try to help you when you are putting them on her. Mostly because she knows that if her boots are getting put on she is getting to get out of the house and go somewhere. Till next time.
Friday, February 20, 2009
So Kellen and I have an official due date for baby #2 it is August 6th. I know that mom put the nix on any more babies being born in August, but maybe the baby will come early. Keep your fingers crossed, if not I'm sure mom will eventually be okay with all the new babys. School is going well. I took the first test in my Structural Geology class. I got a B and I was talking to Dave (my professor) and he said that he was quite impressed with my test and that nobody in the class got an A and so that means that my B was one of the highest grades on the test. I am really starting to like that class, which means that I put more effort into it to get a good grade. I wish I could have that much ethusiasim with my other geology class called Evolution of the Earth's surface.
Juliet continues to grow and man that girl is smart. Kellen and I are going to have a time with staying ahead of her. She likes to take things apart, and then you can see her brain going as she will try to put it all back together. Yesterday we bought her a toy truck that is soft rubber stuff, she loves it. It will make sounds, but she hasn't figured out how to make it make sounds. She really liked the little piano in the store as well, but we decided we could stand the truck for a longer period of time. Also Kellen is looking at those toys that could be for a boy or a girl, which I guess is smart, but I don't think I want my baby girl to be a complete tomboy. We'll see what happens, she really loves to rough house and wrestle, yet she is a little chicken and shy about some stuff. The amazing thing is that she is not shy around people even those she doesn't know. All the time in church she will go to a stranger and insist to sit in their lap, or when another baby is crying she will (if she is free) go over and you can see she is trying to console the baby.
Now I know this is really quite long already, but there is one other tidbit of news that you should all know about and as you know that Kellen has been unemployed this winter and he has gotten his job back and starts on Monday. We are so happy. Well that is everything for now.
Juliet continues to grow and man that girl is smart. Kellen and I are going to have a time with staying ahead of her. She likes to take things apart, and then you can see her brain going as she will try to put it all back together. Yesterday we bought her a toy truck that is soft rubber stuff, she loves it. It will make sounds, but she hasn't figured out how to make it make sounds. She really liked the little piano in the store as well, but we decided we could stand the truck for a longer period of time. Also Kellen is looking at those toys that could be for a boy or a girl, which I guess is smart, but I don't think I want my baby girl to be a complete tomboy. We'll see what happens, she really loves to rough house and wrestle, yet she is a little chicken and shy about some stuff. The amazing thing is that she is not shy around people even those she doesn't know. All the time in church she will go to a stranger and insist to sit in their lap, or when another baby is crying she will (if she is free) go over and you can see she is trying to console the baby.
Now I know this is really quite long already, but there is one other tidbit of news that you should all know about and as you know that Kellen has been unemployed this winter and he has gotten his job back and starts on Monday. We are so happy. Well that is everything for now.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
We have a due date
So this is to let all of you know that Kellen and I now have an official due date for baby #2. The due date is August 6th. The same day as my cousin Audrey's birthday. Neat huh. I like it and Kellen thinks it is so cool that the baby is due so close to his birthday. The baby isn't old enough to determine the sex, but in another month I will be writing again because I will have to get another ultrasound to look at the baby's heart structure and what they can't see yet such as the kidneys and such, and the nurse added the sex of the baby. Jet was having fun showing off for the nurses, and they were soaking it all up. I think that the nurses in the lab don't get to see babies very often or at least ones that are willing to show off. Jet has no fear of people. She will go to practically anyone. As I said the nurses were eating all that she was giving them. Well class is about to start, See you all again later.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Picture Tag
So with this tag you post your 4th picture in your 4th folder and then tell a little bit about it.
Okay so this is the picture that happens to be in that spot. Kellen got really big into turning this pickup into a 6x6. So he went out on day and took a few pictures of our truck in the driveway and then used photoshop to make this picture. Amazingly enough is that this picture happens to be our wallpaper on our computer.
I tag Kara and Ashley

I tag Kara and Ashley
Real Quick
Okay so I know I wrote a little while ago, so thus the title. This week with school I was drawing up a huge cross section of the Tetons to the Gros Ventre Range. It took alot of time. It has to get turned in today, but I am so proud of it. I have faults,(not my strongest point in geology) and beds and angles. Loads of stuff. Anyway so life is doing well for me. I am maybe feeling like school isn't the enemy. So now I am going to end because I am going to go home after being on campus since 9 am. I like going home. Write again later.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sorry so long
Okay so a lot has been going on lately that I haven't even had time to read my emails let alone be blogging. This semester has been a roller coaster of emotion. I am feeling constantly behind and yet I am keeping up. Strange. My nephew passed away on Jan. 19 and so there were a lot of tears spilt, but because of the gospel I know that I will see him again. School looms on with tests coming up and trying to remember everything I have been learning in those classes. On Sunday Feb. 1 my cousin passed away. My heart goes out to her close family since I am not able to go there myself. She was sick for a long time and now her suffering is over. Over this last weekend I was watching my sister (Monica's) kids. I tell you what she has got to be one amazing woman to be able to keep up with those five kids. I was wore out. I knew that since Kellen was in Arco with Jet that i would not be able to handle five kids that were not mine by myself so I loaded them up in Monica's van and we went to my mom's who offered to help me through the weekend. It was also my nephew Seth's baptism that Saturday and I knew the kids all wanted to see him. Seth was very brave because he is scared of the water, but they got it on the first try because he trusted his dad to pull him back up out of the water. All the nieces and nephews crowded around the front to watch and one girl was so excitedshe was laughing afterward and another little boy told her not to laugh because Seth was supposed to get wet. All the adults that heard that comment laughed, because it was true. I headed back to Monica's house Saturday night, because Kellen was coming back with my Jet ( I hadn't seen her in a week) So we all stayed at Monica's mostly because there wasn't room in our apartment and we figured the kids would be easier to care for in there own house. Well I don't think Kellen or I got any sleep. We had three kids in diapers all needing a change in the middle of the night. Juliet was freaked out and was having a hard time calming down to sleep. She also was pooping all the time. We ran out of diapers for her and luckily her and Hunter (who is almost 2 years old) are wearing size 5 diapers and so we had to use some of his because as we discovered the next day we really were out of diapers at our house and in the diaper bag. I made a fast run to the store. Now we have lots of diapers. So back to at Monica's Juliet's teddy bear was a major security blanket and so was Kellen. She was so happy to she me, but was not happy that she was having to share me with the other kids. She ended up sleeping with us. I think she was also a little bit cold and so that was keeping her awake. So now we are home and Juliet is sooooo happy to be in her own house and with both her parents and in her own bed.(still has to have her bear, but that's okay I really like the bear)
Kellen and I have been really good and have filed our taxes. We still have to mail off the state taxes, but are excited to see that money. We are pretty sure that with our tax returns we are going to be able to pay off one of our loans, which is very exciting. The best part is that I think we will have a little bit of money after that and so now we are trying to decide what other loan we should put it towards. Anyway that is about all that I got for now. Until I have some time again. I have no extra time it seems.
Kellen and I have been really good and have filed our taxes. We still have to mail off the state taxes, but are excited to see that money. We are pretty sure that with our tax returns we are going to be able to pay off one of our loans, which is very exciting. The best part is that I think we will have a little bit of money after that and so now we are trying to decide what other loan we should put it towards. Anyway that is about all that I got for now. Until I have some time again. I have no extra time it seems.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
School Has Started
Ready or not it has hit and man i don't know about you, but I got hit hard with homework on the first day. that hasn't happened to me in a really long time. So today I got a pleasant surprise. I am taking Art 100 and as I was sitting in the room I had this feeling that someone I knew would be in the class. It was weird, maybe just very hopeful thoughts, but it worked Brian Ellis (friend from high school for those who don't know who he is) and Jordan Gillette (kid from my parents home ward) are in my class. How awesome is that. Brian just got married a few weeks ago and he was all smiles and was so excited to show me his ring. I think he was also happy to know someone in his class. So we talked after class and I found out that since they just recently changed the ward boundaries for our ward they aren't in our ward, otherwise they would have been, Bummer! they are such a cute couple. It would have been nice to been in the same ward.
So my morning sickness has returned with a vengence. I am on such a schedule with eating it is unreal. i wasn't tied down to eating at specific times with my last pregnancy, but they say each one is different.
Juliet is walking!!! at 10 months. She is really determined to get it down really fast. It won't be long until she is running everywhere. She tried it the other day and fell down, but she has figured out that if when she starts to get a little wobbly if she just keeps moving her feet and moves them faster she will stay upright, most of the time. She loves that she can be mobile while upright. mostly because before she could only carry one item in her mouth and now she can carry one in her mouth and one in each hand if they are small. The funniest is watching her carry a big red ball that she got for christmas. She laughs everytime that she picks it up. I think it is because she figures if she falls down that the ball will make her bounce. It has happened once. She loved it. She loves to sit in Kellen's lap and put the ball between their foreheads and then shake her head back and forth. It is really funny to watch. Also Juliet is such a daddy's girl. We will all be in the kitchen and if he walks out she cries even if I am there and feeding her. She is so attached. Kellen loves it and then when she is whinny he has a hard time with it because she just wants him not me. So since school has started back up for me kellen has had to become Mr. Mom to a certain degree. i think he will be happy to turn that role back over to me, but I am gratful that he is willing.
Okay well that is all I got for now. I am going to go eat (that whole eating schedule) and then maybe watch a movie and chip away at my homework. until next time. :)
So my morning sickness has returned with a vengence. I am on such a schedule with eating it is unreal. i wasn't tied down to eating at specific times with my last pregnancy, but they say each one is different.
Juliet is walking!!! at 10 months. She is really determined to get it down really fast. It won't be long until she is running everywhere. She tried it the other day and fell down, but she has figured out that if when she starts to get a little wobbly if she just keeps moving her feet and moves them faster she will stay upright, most of the time. She loves that she can be mobile while upright. mostly because before she could only carry one item in her mouth and now she can carry one in her mouth and one in each hand if they are small. The funniest is watching her carry a big red ball that she got for christmas. She laughs everytime that she picks it up. I think it is because she figures if she falls down that the ball will make her bounce. It has happened once. She loved it. She loves to sit in Kellen's lap and put the ball between their foreheads and then shake her head back and forth. It is really funny to watch. Also Juliet is such a daddy's girl. We will all be in the kitchen and if he walks out she cries even if I am there and feeding her. She is so attached. Kellen loves it and then when she is whinny he has a hard time with it because she just wants him not me. So since school has started back up for me kellen has had to become Mr. Mom to a certain degree. i think he will be happy to turn that role back over to me, but I am gratful that he is willing.
Okay well that is all I got for now. I am going to go eat (that whole eating schedule) and then maybe watch a movie and chip away at my homework. until next time. :)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Hi Everybody
Okay so I am so happy to be back home after much traveling. It seems we have to go somewhere every weekend, and this weekend we have a wedding to go to. I am also happy to be back to my computer and the internet and being able read everyone's blogs. Okay so in my last blog I causally mentioned I was pregnant. So now I will expand on the subject. This was not planned, quite the surprize actually. I was thinking we would start working on another one after this spring semester, but I am still way excited. the really amazing part about this pregnancy is that I really haven't been sick. Before Christmas I was throwing up, but afterwards I haven't thrown up with the exception of the flu bug my family caught. I haven't thrown up since. I love it. If I could be pregnant like this everytime, it would make the family a lot bigger. Anyway I have to confess that I am a klutz. While we were out at Kellen's parents I fell down their stairs. Not bad, but I wacked my arm pretty hard and now it is looking all black and blue and yellow. I wear long sleeves to cover it up, because it looks so gross. So today i went and got all my fees for school paid. Kellen and I have been so blessed this year because I got a big scholarship and with the financial aid I received we don't have to pay out of pocket for my schooling. It has been a big relief especially to Kellen.
So tomorrow is my birthday and I will be turning 23. I have no idea what to do for my birthday. Kellen keeps asking me and I got nothin' We have agreed to going out to dinner, but that is about it so far. Any ideas? Let me know.
So tomorrow is my birthday and I will be turning 23. I have no idea what to do for my birthday. Kellen keeps asking me and I got nothin' We have agreed to going out to dinner, but that is about it so far. Any ideas? Let me know.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Short Update
Okay so I have been away from my computer this whole time, either that or Kellen has been using it. Anyway, So we had an awesome Christmas. We got stuck driving out to my parents for Christmas, but we won't go into that because this is a short and quick update. Kellen and I came home from my parents on Saturday after Christmas so we could attend our own ward. We are trying to be good children. Well in sacrament meeting Jet threw up and we rushed home, because there was no staying with how messy her dress was and I had no spare pjs to put her in. (Laugh Monica) So then that night Kellen and I are sick with the flu. All night he would use the bathroom and then me. It was awful. I was doing double duty as far as sick goes because Kellen and I are expecting again. We think that our bundle of Joy will arrive somewhere in August. That's our guess. So we stayed home for a few days to recoop because the plan was to head off to Kell's parents right away, but we figured we didn't want to spread the flu if we could help it. So eventually we went out to Arco and spent a few days out there. Jet must have still had something because she became a super pooper while we were there. I was so grateful that I decided at the last minute to throw in a few more diapers just in case and they saved my bacon. Jet is also getting more and more determined to walk and she has done six steps before. We are so excited. I think she became more determined to do it because she saw all of her older cousins walking around and it looked cool because you could move and not have to carry what you wanted to take with you in your mouth. Anyway so that is our life lately in a nut shell. I also finally got to checking out what my grades were for this last semester and they were really good. I was so excited so Kellen and I are having root beers to celebrate. Till next time.
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