So with this tag you post your 4th picture in your 4th folder and then tell a little bit about it.

Okay so this is the picture that happens to be in that spot. Kellen got really big into turning this pickup into a 6x6. So he went out on day and took a few pictures of our truck in the driveway and then used photoshop to make this picture. Amazingly enough is that this picture happens to be our wallpaper on our computer.
I tag Kara and Ashley
That is so funny I actually believed for a minute that the truck had an extra set of wheels!!! and was thinking to myself, "That is so cool!!, How come I don't ever remmember seeing the extra set of tires on the truck?" Then I read that it was photoshoped in and had an "oh you dumb blond moment"
it's good because I was fooled for a minute too. we must both be blonds!
Haha, I will see what I can dig up. I remember you showing this to me during one of Paul's lectures. We paid close attention to the class ...
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