Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Can I get a break

I had forgotten how much sleep you lose with a new baby. Mason is 1 month old today. He is growing like a weed. I am not surprised because he eats a lot. Most newborn babies are satisfied with 2-3 ounces of milk, Mason wants 5 at the very least and he still nurses every 3 hours sometime less. He is going to go throught clothes faster than Juliet I think because some of my 0-3month clothes are already starting to be a little bit small. He might stay in them for one more month. Also we are working like crazy to get things together for the closing on our house. Doing quotes and deciding where we will put stuff. I will try later to put up some pictures that we took of the inside of it. Once again must take care of munchkins. This break is over.

1 comment:

Kara D. said...

I can't believe it was a month ago that I came to see you in the hospital! Crazy! All this talk of no sleep isn't helping me get ready for my baby though ;) If you need anyone to babysitt for a while you know you can always call me. I hope things go well for your house. Good luck!