Friday, February 20, 2009


So Kellen and I have an official due date for baby #2 it is August 6th. I know that mom put the nix on any more babies being born in August, but maybe the baby will come early. Keep your fingers crossed, if not I'm sure mom will eventually be okay with all the new babys. School is going well. I took the first test in my Structural Geology class. I got a B and I was talking to Dave (my professor) and he said that he was quite impressed with my test and that nobody in the class got an A and so that means that my B was one of the highest grades on the test. I am really starting to like that class, which means that I put more effort into it to get a good grade. I wish I could have that much ethusiasim with my other geology class called Evolution of the Earth's surface.
Juliet continues to grow and man that girl is smart. Kellen and I are going to have a time with staying ahead of her. She likes to take things apart, and then you can see her brain going as she will try to put it all back together. Yesterday we bought her a toy truck that is soft rubber stuff, she loves it. It will make sounds, but she hasn't figured out how to make it make sounds. She really liked the little piano in the store as well, but we decided we could stand the truck for a longer period of time. Also Kellen is looking at those toys that could be for a boy or a girl, which I guess is smart, but I don't think I want my baby girl to be a complete tomboy. We'll see what happens, she really loves to rough house and wrestle, yet she is a little chicken and shy about some stuff. The amazing thing is that she is not shy around people even those she doesn't know. All the time in church she will go to a stranger and insist to sit in their lap, or when another baby is crying she will (if she is free) go over and you can see she is trying to console the baby.
Now I know this is really quite long already, but there is one other tidbit of news that you should all know about and as you know that Kellen has been unemployed this winter and he has gotten his job back and starts on Monday. We are so happy. Well that is everything for now.


Jon Woodins said...

A toy piano can be for girls AND boys! Bethoveen and Mozart are male! Don't just get trucks! Glad you have a job again. When do you need me to start babysitting?

Geologycowgirl said...

I know. I think we will get the piano next time when Kellen isn't with us. i think he wasn't able to deal with the noise and he really wanted to get her the xlophone, but she couldn't figure it out. I need you to start on Monday. I'll bring a print out of my classes so you have a copy. I'll call you later to arrange it all.