Tuesday, December 13, 2011

October fun

We helped to get this steer back with the rest of the herd. We suspected that it was blind. It died a few days later, but i sure love these pics of the kids riding him.

Mason wasn't hard at all to talk into riding the cow. So long as Aunt Lacey held onto him.

Mason had to have a stitch put in his lip after the rough housing got too rough. he was a good sport about it all though.

My Halloween trick or treaters. Jet wanted to be a princess and Mason was Winnie the Pooh. They got to dress up three different nights, but it was fun.

One tired out boy, He even fell asleep eating his Cheetos.

August partying

This is while I was at Lake Powell. The Lake is trying to sink the red boat while it is beached. It was quite the storm. Poor mom (Grandma) got locked in the houseboat with all the children when all us mothers went out to help save the boat. We were successful, but it was quite the fight for a while.

Up at a Lake and Jet is fishing (She doesn't really let you help her so we just put a bobber at the end of her line.

My Birthday boys. That's right Mason was born on his daddy's birthday. the trike was a big hit.

Mason on the trike it was a little bit big, but a am sure with all the growing he has done since he won't have any problems pedaling it this summer.

Here they are with the birthday cheesecake. It was soooooo yummy.

July pictures

Here are some pictures from July with more to come in another post. This is Kellen and his three scouts. They went up to the Big Horn Crags and rode horses all over the place for a week. While he was there I went to Lake Powell with my family.

Kellen's parents had to be gone for a few days (I can't remember now where they had to go) We got to feed the animals and Move water. Mason is helping to guide the pipe for dad. They thought this was great.

Another picture of helping with the pipe.

I just thought this picture was so cute. Neither one had shoes on and they knew they couldn't go out without shoes so they sat in the doorway.

Most of the Reynolds' grandkids on the 4-wheeler with Uncle Jake.

Picture Post

I haven't been good about posting on my blog and it seemes that whenever i do it winds up being a picture post and today's will be no different. I always like to see pictures anyway. The kids wanted to go swimming and so I worked on making my legs not so blindly white. They were playing ring and the rosies in the pool and made big splashes when they fell down.

We went to the drive in and the kids meals came with a small soft serve ice cream. Mason really got into his and it went everywhere.

We decided to go for a ride around Kellen's parent's field. It was a cold day and I had to have both kids on with me because Kellen was working with a horse that we didn't feel like it was safe enough to put kids on. The kids loved it, but got pretty cold by the end of the field.

Playing at the park. Juliet wore that play dress everywhere and everyday.

I love this picture because he looks so happy and like he just got caught with something he wasn't supposed to have.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Re-Model

Okay pictures as promised forever ago. There are not very good pictures of the before room, but I found a few that will help.
Okay I know this picture is sideways. I forgot to rotate it before I uploaded it, but this is what my closet was before. The entry was as wide as my shoulders and it was scary inside.
Here is the room before. Notice the green/yellow shag carpet and the yellow wallpaper which was the 3rd level of wallpaper.

In this picture not only do you notice my hubby sleeping, but you can see the ceiling tiles which were stuck up there was some pretty amazing glue

They all were folding their arms, but as soon as I pulled out the camera they stopped. This was after Kellen and I had finished painting the walls and ceiling and starting to get the room prepped for the carpet.

Here is the NEW closet. It is HUGE. I love it. This was the main reason for the room being so much work to give it the facelift, but after doing this room we know what needs done with the rest and the face lift of the rest of the house.

The new door, which Kellen had to re-frame because the old short was really short.

The finished room, with new carpet and light with fan. I love getting out of bed in the morning and standing on the carpet. It is sooooo soft.

Juliet's Birthday

I can't believe my baby girl is three already.
Picture of the sweet desserts we served. Raspberry pie along with Cherry's delight.
Jet showing me how old she is.

They were so tired and I love the arm draped across Kellen's neck. I guess that was her way of keeping herself on the couch with Kell.

Showing off her dress she got for her birthday. She loves it and her blanket that she got.


These are all from February. Although the baby horse was born on the 31st of January.
These two are helping in the remodel. We had to wear face masks while sanding, because the dust was really thick. We updated the electrical including the outlets, thermostat and heater.
Our two little helpers. They wanted to be involved so we let them have the hammers and bang on the frame for the door, which Kellen had to re-frame so that a regular door would fit. The door before was really short.

Mason got caught playing in the used motor oil again. Luckily the spread of it wasn't as bad as before. Before, it was the whole front, all the sleeves, some on the hood which is not attached to the coat in this photo, and then all over the sweat pants he was wearing. In this one the nose covered is what made it look so funny and I thought it was funny, THIS time.

Here is the new baby horse. We have decided to call her Bells. She was born on the 31st of January, a Monday and the warmest day of that week. It was barely into the positives. That was the week of mostly -20s each night. We kept her and Lucy (her mom) in a shed with a heat lamp on and the door closed at night. We put this coat on as well. She kept it on for about that first week then got it off and would not leave it on after that.

Another picture of Bells and Lucy.


I am having some trouble so I will have to do the rest later today.
the little Princess. She got this outfit for Christmas and has worn it about every other day. i love Mason's jammies.
Mason is trying really hard to be the chef around here. He even figured out a tempoary hat.

Played hard and now is sleeping. This is at Grandma Woodland's house.

November and December

This picture is so cute. She is so girly.
Our family photo we sent out at Christmas time.

Mason ears are so big Kellen put Juliet's tea cups on them. We all got a good laugh from it.

This is after Christmas we went with Kellen's family up to the cabin in Island Park for a few days. My niece's birthday happened while we were there so this is Mason eating his piece of the cake. He sure makes it look good.

Christmas Eve we did a progressive meal day thing. We are currently at Jake and Laura's. Jenny and Chad have this little snow machine. Halee (their daughter) was a good sport and took both our kids for rides on it. The good thing about it was that if it got in snow that was more than about two inches in got stuck so the kids were limited to the driveway.

Juliet with Halee. Both my kids loved that thing, but we didn't feel like they were old enough to drive it by themselves.

Mason playing on the piano at Grandma's house.

The ward Christmas party. Santa came. The kids weren't afraid of him. We all laughed because we knew that santa was actually Kellen's brother, Nick. So all the nieces and nephews had looks of concentration on their faces trying to figure out who that voice belonged to, because they knew that voice.

Playing in the laundry basket. now they don't both fit in it anymore.

Mason loves to wear hats mostly because he wants to mimic his daddy who is almost always wearing a hat.

Kellen took this picture with his phone.

We were all sitting in the office with a nice fire going. Kellen and I had just gotten our new phones and were trying to figure them all out.