Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am so proud

Okay so here is a story again about Juliet. So yesterday After Kellen got home from work he got in the fridge and grabbed a can of Country Time Strawberry Lemonade and was drinking it as I was finishing putting dinner together to put in the oven. Jet comes into the kitchen, missing her daddy and sees his drink and wants some. Kellen decides that we hadn't given her anything sweet in her sippy for quite a while and that she could have the little bit that was left. After he poured what was left in the can into the sippy he left the can on the counter and went into the livingroom I am still in the kitchen cleaning up my mess and Jet has drain every drop that she can get out of the sippy and man that girl is smart. She can see the can that dad poured the drink into her cup up on the counter still and decided it might have some more. So she grips the sippy in her teeth and moves the stool (always in my kitchen because I am so short) over towards the counter. She then attempts to climb up on the stool, but it is still a little too high for her and she is still chicken enough to not pursue climbing up on the stool. I was laughing and so proud of how smart my little girl was that if there had still been some drink left I would have given it to her for her valiant effort. So that is my story for the day hope you enjoyed it.

1 comment:

Kara D. said...

Too cute, too cute.