Tuesday, January 13, 2009

School Has Started

Ready or not it has hit and man i don't know about you, but I got hit hard with homework on the first day. that hasn't happened to me in a really long time. So today I got a pleasant surprise. I am taking Art 100 and as I was sitting in the room I had this feeling that someone I knew would be in the class. It was weird, maybe just very hopeful thoughts, but it worked Brian Ellis (friend from high school for those who don't know who he is) and Jordan Gillette (kid from my parents home ward) are in my class. How awesome is that. Brian just got married a few weeks ago and he was all smiles and was so excited to show me his ring. I think he was also happy to know someone in his class. So we talked after class and I found out that since they just recently changed the ward boundaries for our ward they aren't in our ward, otherwise they would have been, Bummer! they are such a cute couple. It would have been nice to been in the same ward.
So my morning sickness has returned with a vengence. I am on such a schedule with eating it is unreal. i wasn't tied down to eating at specific times with my last pregnancy, but they say each one is different.
Juliet is walking!!! at 10 months. She is really determined to get it down really fast. It won't be long until she is running everywhere. She tried it the other day and fell down, but she has figured out that if when she starts to get a little wobbly if she just keeps moving her feet and moves them faster she will stay upright, most of the time. She loves that she can be mobile while upright. mostly because before she could only carry one item in her mouth and now she can carry one in her mouth and one in each hand if they are small. The funniest is watching her carry a big red ball that she got for christmas. She laughs everytime that she picks it up. I think it is because she figures if she falls down that the ball will make her bounce. It has happened once. She loved it. She loves to sit in Kellen's lap and put the ball between their foreheads and then shake her head back and forth. It is really funny to watch. Also Juliet is such a daddy's girl. We will all be in the kitchen and if he walks out she cries even if I am there and feeding her. She is so attached. Kellen loves it and then when she is whinny he has a hard time with it because she just wants him not me. So since school has started back up for me kellen has had to become Mr. Mom to a certain degree. i think he will be happy to turn that role back over to me, but I am gratful that he is willing.
Okay well that is all I got for now. I am going to go eat (that whole eating schedule) and then maybe watch a movie and chip away at my homework. until next time. :)

1 comment:

Camille said...

That is one determined little girl. I say she must get it from her dad! =)