Friday, December 19, 2008

Finished (for another semester)

So i messed up and wrote and then put in a picture and it didn't work the way i wanted so you get to see the picture first. Kellen was so excited about giving Jet a cowboy hat for Christmas that he put it on her. I got the camera out. As soon as she saw the hat she was laughing and so excited.

Hey everyone,

I am done with my finals and so happy to have yet another semeseter under my belt. My two finals on Thrusday went really well. I know I didn't do super hot on my GIS lecture part of the final, but I got the lab like it was nothin. So I expect a high B in that class. My other class was a Paul class. If you don't know what that is, be grateful. For my siblings to understand it is a class somewhat similar to a Coach Pat class, for reference.


Kara D. said...

Your little girl is just so cute! We should try to get together over the break. Jared and I have time off from Christmas Eve until the 5th of January, so there's lots of time in there for hanging out. What are you doing over the break? You guys are so funny about cowboy stuff. That picture of Jet in the banana chair is great!I hope you guys have an awesome Christmas!

Camille said...

Awwwww! Like Daddy, like daughter! How cute! Way to go on finishing another semester. I'm proud of you!

Jon Woodins said...

Good JOB sis. JET is SOO cute! And Oh I am sorry about your "coach Pat's" Class.