Thursday, December 11, 2008

I'm Close

Okay so today is the day that I actually have to present my project that I have supposedly been doing all semester in powerpoint format and as luck would have it, I have practically no voice. It is really scratchy and low. I will get through. After this semester I will only have to take 21 more credits to graduate and only 8 have to be upper divison which i have covered this next spring. Then I am DONE HURRAH!! I'm so excited, that I just can't hide it. i went in to talk with my counselor (Dave) (awesome guy) and we figured out that next fall I can take whatever I want. It would basically be like being a senior in high school where the last semaester in just taking easy classes and playing. Awesome. I didn't really experience that when I went to high school. I am so excited. Dave was trying to find a geology class that I might want to take and the truth of the matter is that I have pretty much taken all of them that he knows for sure will be offered. He said I was golden in my homestretch to graduate. Isn't that cool!!

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