Thursday, February 26, 2009
I am so proud
Okay so here is a story again about Juliet. So yesterday After Kellen got home from work he got in the fridge and grabbed a can of Country Time Strawberry Lemonade and was drinking it as I was finishing putting dinner together to put in the oven. Jet comes into the kitchen, missing her daddy and sees his drink and wants some. Kellen decides that we hadn't given her anything sweet in her sippy for quite a while and that she could have the little bit that was left. After he poured what was left in the can into the sippy he left the can on the counter and went into the livingroom I am still in the kitchen cleaning up my mess and Jet has drain every drop that she can get out of the sippy and man that girl is smart. She can see the can that dad poured the drink into her cup up on the counter still and decided it might have some more. So she grips the sippy in her teeth and moves the stool (always in my kitchen because I am so short) over towards the counter. She then attempts to climb up on the stool, but it is still a little too high for her and she is still chicken enough to not pursue climbing up on the stool. I was laughing and so proud of how smart my little girl was that if there had still been some drink left I would have given it to her for her valiant effort. So that is my story for the day hope you enjoyed it.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
New Boots
Okay so Kellen and I decided that we really needed to get Juliet some shoes. She has been going around in just socks and occasionally in shoes that are too small. This is mostly because we don't have the next size up in shoes. So we went shopping the other day and Kellen told me that he wanted to get her boots. We went to Vickers to see whaat they had. We found some cute ones, but when we tried to put them on her they wouldn't go on. Her feet are too fat and wide. So while at Vickers we realized that if we were going to get her anything it would have to be in a size bigger than what her foot actually was so it would go in the shoe. We decided to look at another store to see if we could find a better deal. We went to Walmart to get groceries and wipes ( We were out and running on the few that are stored in the diaper bag) I stopped to look at the kids shoes and they were having a sale on a few types of shoes. I wanted to see if it still proved true that we would need a bigger size even though the shoes weren't boots. It proved true, she still needed a bigger size. We found a pair of boots on sale for a third of the price of the ones we found at Vickers so we bought them and Juliet loves them. She goes hunting around the house for them. She carries them around and will try to help you when you are putting them on her. Mostly because she knows that if her boots are getting put on she is getting to get out of the house and go somewhere. Till next time.
Friday, February 20, 2009
So Kellen and I have an official due date for baby #2 it is August 6th. I know that mom put the nix on any more babies being born in August, but maybe the baby will come early. Keep your fingers crossed, if not I'm sure mom will eventually be okay with all the new babys. School is going well. I took the first test in my Structural Geology class. I got a B and I was talking to Dave (my professor) and he said that he was quite impressed with my test and that nobody in the class got an A and so that means that my B was one of the highest grades on the test. I am really starting to like that class, which means that I put more effort into it to get a good grade. I wish I could have that much ethusiasim with my other geology class called Evolution of the Earth's surface.
Juliet continues to grow and man that girl is smart. Kellen and I are going to have a time with staying ahead of her. She likes to take things apart, and then you can see her brain going as she will try to put it all back together. Yesterday we bought her a toy truck that is soft rubber stuff, she loves it. It will make sounds, but she hasn't figured out how to make it make sounds. She really liked the little piano in the store as well, but we decided we could stand the truck for a longer period of time. Also Kellen is looking at those toys that could be for a boy or a girl, which I guess is smart, but I don't think I want my baby girl to be a complete tomboy. We'll see what happens, she really loves to rough house and wrestle, yet she is a little chicken and shy about some stuff. The amazing thing is that she is not shy around people even those she doesn't know. All the time in church she will go to a stranger and insist to sit in their lap, or when another baby is crying she will (if she is free) go over and you can see she is trying to console the baby.
Now I know this is really quite long already, but there is one other tidbit of news that you should all know about and as you know that Kellen has been unemployed this winter and he has gotten his job back and starts on Monday. We are so happy. Well that is everything for now.
Juliet continues to grow and man that girl is smart. Kellen and I are going to have a time with staying ahead of her. She likes to take things apart, and then you can see her brain going as she will try to put it all back together. Yesterday we bought her a toy truck that is soft rubber stuff, she loves it. It will make sounds, but she hasn't figured out how to make it make sounds. She really liked the little piano in the store as well, but we decided we could stand the truck for a longer period of time. Also Kellen is looking at those toys that could be for a boy or a girl, which I guess is smart, but I don't think I want my baby girl to be a complete tomboy. We'll see what happens, she really loves to rough house and wrestle, yet she is a little chicken and shy about some stuff. The amazing thing is that she is not shy around people even those she doesn't know. All the time in church she will go to a stranger and insist to sit in their lap, or when another baby is crying she will (if she is free) go over and you can see she is trying to console the baby.
Now I know this is really quite long already, but there is one other tidbit of news that you should all know about and as you know that Kellen has been unemployed this winter and he has gotten his job back and starts on Monday. We are so happy. Well that is everything for now.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
We have a due date
So this is to let all of you know that Kellen and I now have an official due date for baby #2. The due date is August 6th. The same day as my cousin Audrey's birthday. Neat huh. I like it and Kellen thinks it is so cool that the baby is due so close to his birthday. The baby isn't old enough to determine the sex, but in another month I will be writing again because I will have to get another ultrasound to look at the baby's heart structure and what they can't see yet such as the kidneys and such, and the nurse added the sex of the baby. Jet was having fun showing off for the nurses, and they were soaking it all up. I think that the nurses in the lab don't get to see babies very often or at least ones that are willing to show off. Jet has no fear of people. She will go to practically anyone. As I said the nurses were eating all that she was giving them. Well class is about to start, See you all again later.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Picture Tag
So with this tag you post your 4th picture in your 4th folder and then tell a little bit about it.
Okay so this is the picture that happens to be in that spot. Kellen got really big into turning this pickup into a 6x6. So he went out on day and took a few pictures of our truck in the driveway and then used photoshop to make this picture. Amazingly enough is that this picture happens to be our wallpaper on our computer.
I tag Kara and Ashley

I tag Kara and Ashley
Real Quick
Okay so I know I wrote a little while ago, so thus the title. This week with school I was drawing up a huge cross section of the Tetons to the Gros Ventre Range. It took alot of time. It has to get turned in today, but I am so proud of it. I have faults,(not my strongest point in geology) and beds and angles. Loads of stuff. Anyway so life is doing well for me. I am maybe feeling like school isn't the enemy. So now I am going to end because I am going to go home after being on campus since 9 am. I like going home. Write again later.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Sorry so long
Okay so a lot has been going on lately that I haven't even had time to read my emails let alone be blogging. This semester has been a roller coaster of emotion. I am feeling constantly behind and yet I am keeping up. Strange. My nephew passed away on Jan. 19 and so there were a lot of tears spilt, but because of the gospel I know that I will see him again. School looms on with tests coming up and trying to remember everything I have been learning in those classes. On Sunday Feb. 1 my cousin passed away. My heart goes out to her close family since I am not able to go there myself. She was sick for a long time and now her suffering is over. Over this last weekend I was watching my sister (Monica's) kids. I tell you what she has got to be one amazing woman to be able to keep up with those five kids. I was wore out. I knew that since Kellen was in Arco with Jet that i would not be able to handle five kids that were not mine by myself so I loaded them up in Monica's van and we went to my mom's who offered to help me through the weekend. It was also my nephew Seth's baptism that Saturday and I knew the kids all wanted to see him. Seth was very brave because he is scared of the water, but they got it on the first try because he trusted his dad to pull him back up out of the water. All the nieces and nephews crowded around the front to watch and one girl was so excitedshe was laughing afterward and another little boy told her not to laugh because Seth was supposed to get wet. All the adults that heard that comment laughed, because it was true. I headed back to Monica's house Saturday night, because Kellen was coming back with my Jet ( I hadn't seen her in a week) So we all stayed at Monica's mostly because there wasn't room in our apartment and we figured the kids would be easier to care for in there own house. Well I don't think Kellen or I got any sleep. We had three kids in diapers all needing a change in the middle of the night. Juliet was freaked out and was having a hard time calming down to sleep. She also was pooping all the time. We ran out of diapers for her and luckily her and Hunter (who is almost 2 years old) are wearing size 5 diapers and so we had to use some of his because as we discovered the next day we really were out of diapers at our house and in the diaper bag. I made a fast run to the store. Now we have lots of diapers. So back to at Monica's Juliet's teddy bear was a major security blanket and so was Kellen. She was so happy to she me, but was not happy that she was having to share me with the other kids. She ended up sleeping with us. I think she was also a little bit cold and so that was keeping her awake. So now we are home and Juliet is sooooo happy to be in her own house and with both her parents and in her own bed.(still has to have her bear, but that's okay I really like the bear)
Kellen and I have been really good and have filed our taxes. We still have to mail off the state taxes, but are excited to see that money. We are pretty sure that with our tax returns we are going to be able to pay off one of our loans, which is very exciting. The best part is that I think we will have a little bit of money after that and so now we are trying to decide what other loan we should put it towards. Anyway that is about all that I got for now. Until I have some time again. I have no extra time it seems.
Kellen and I have been really good and have filed our taxes. We still have to mail off the state taxes, but are excited to see that money. We are pretty sure that with our tax returns we are going to be able to pay off one of our loans, which is very exciting. The best part is that I think we will have a little bit of money after that and so now we are trying to decide what other loan we should put it towards. Anyway that is about all that I got for now. Until I have some time again. I have no extra time it seems.
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