Wednesday, March 23, 2011

November and December

This picture is so cute. She is so girly.
Our family photo we sent out at Christmas time.

Mason ears are so big Kellen put Juliet's tea cups on them. We all got a good laugh from it.

This is after Christmas we went with Kellen's family up to the cabin in Island Park for a few days. My niece's birthday happened while we were there so this is Mason eating his piece of the cake. He sure makes it look good.

Christmas Eve we did a progressive meal day thing. We are currently at Jake and Laura's. Jenny and Chad have this little snow machine. Halee (their daughter) was a good sport and took both our kids for rides on it. The good thing about it was that if it got in snow that was more than about two inches in got stuck so the kids were limited to the driveway.

Juliet with Halee. Both my kids loved that thing, but we didn't feel like they were old enough to drive it by themselves.

Mason playing on the piano at Grandma's house.

The ward Christmas party. Santa came. The kids weren't afraid of him. We all laughed because we knew that santa was actually Kellen's brother, Nick. So all the nieces and nephews had looks of concentration on their faces trying to figure out who that voice belonged to, because they knew that voice.

Playing in the laundry basket. now they don't both fit in it anymore.

Mason loves to wear hats mostly because he wants to mimic his daddy who is almost always wearing a hat.

Kellen took this picture with his phone.

We were all sitting in the office with a nice fire going. Kellen and I had just gotten our new phones and were trying to figure them all out.

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