Friday, July 31, 2009
Woodland Reunion 2009
Here is Juliet. She can't wait to get into the little wading pool that my sister brought to help us keep the littlest kids cooled down in the heat. It seemed that it was scheduled over the hottest weekend of the summer, but we had a blast. I pulled the camper and thus had A/C and that helped with me being large and pregnant.
Jet in the camper. She thought it was so fun to be camping.
Kelly reunion
So Kellen and I were invited for the 4th of July weekend to go to the Kelly's (close friends of ours) reunion. This is a pic of where we set up our tent.

This was the only time that Jet's bear was allowed outside the tent. She was so excited that Mom let her have it. It was being used as a comforting and calming tool, because this is after her and I had our little spill with the 4-wheeler.
They are working hard to build a little cabin and Jet was more than willing to help. She mostly held a hammer.
This is a pic of the ride home. It loaded out of order and I am not smart enough to get it where I want it. Jet had a lot of fun, but was ready to come home.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Not here Yet
I went to the doc and am at a three, but my baby boy has yet to make his debute. I am suddenly realizing that I am really running out of time to do things before Mason arrives. I have cleaned my whole house today, mostly because I have been slacking and today it really was bothering me that the house was a mess, so I cleaned it. I keep wanting to re-arrange my closets, but know that is too big of a job to do in the amount of time that Jet takes for her nap. anyway so Kellen and i went a saw the Newest Harry Potter and really enjoyed it. Kellen has not read the books and it was a long time ago that I did so we had a blast. Kellen got on a harry potter kick and has been telling me for a while that he would like it if we owned the series. Well on Monday he went and bought them. I thought it was funny because I wanted them too and now we have them. Our movie collection has increased quite a bit here in the last little while. We get into movie watching moods and bam we own movies. Usually the $5 ones at wally world. Write again another day.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
So our apartment has no air conditioning, but is also on the third level and so each day I cook a little more from the sun beating down on the building. I am due August 9th and so am in that final two week run, where time really slows down. I try to keep busy doing projects to help keep my mind off the fact that time is moving so slowly. Jet has decided that it is cool to help mommy with some stuff mostly because she ends up getting a reward of some sort for helping me out. Positive reenforcement. School will be starting again soon. I am signed up to take nine credits and then in December I will be done. I cannot wait until that happens. Jet also has really begun to understand that when Kellen and I ask her to fold her arms that it is time for prayer and that she is supposed to be quiet. She does really well and will sometimes talk as though she is saying the prayer. It is really cute. Kellen and I now own the whole Star Wars Series and the last three even have the old version with the yup, yup song on Return of the Jedi. We are watching them. One per night after Juliet has gone to bed. Ashley tell your sister congrats for me. It is exciting to have kids. Kara when do you find out what you are having?
Have to go to take care of my munchkin.
Have to go to take care of my munchkin.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Moving Slow
It has been some time since my last update. I am sorry about that. I am hugely pregnant and so it takes me a lot more time to accomplish all the things I set out for myself to do and this usually is on the list, but at the bottom. Mostly because I try to do a billion things when Jet goes down for her nap that I really do run out of time. Last weekend was my family's reunion and we went to Massacre Rocks and fried ourselves. It was so hot and shade was limited. I had my camper which is what I credit my survival to. I did get swollen ankles from the ordeal, but it was all in the name of fun. Jet absolutely loved the little wading pool that was brought and has since we got home tried to get herself into one of my big bowls like it was a wading pool. I was proud of myself with the camping trip in that when I went I had to go by myself because Kellen had to work, so if I wanted the camper I had to pull it. I had never really pulled a trailer before and was quite nervous, but I did awesome I might say. Kellen gave me a few pointers on driving and that really helped. He was proud of me for pulling the camper all by myself. I did have help in hooking up to it and I knew it would be better if I had someone with more experience back it up. I am grateful to have such a helpful family. Juliet really enjoyed the trip even though her daddy wasn't there. On Sunday she was so excited to have Kellen back that she didn't complain at all when he would sit her in his lap at church. It made our lives easier. The week continues on and Kellen has to work overtime again. In a way he is really excited about it because that means we will have the extra money to fix a few things on our "giant" truck that we have been putting off for a time. Well that's all I have time for because it is time to put Jet down for a nap.
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