Monday, November 24, 2008
Well as Kellen and I were dressing Juliet for church yesterday we see that instead of having only two teeth on top she has four. No wonder she was such a pill lately. We didn't even know she was cutting those teeth because she finally cut her second top tooth. Anyway that was our surprize for the day. Also Kellen and I got to sit all through Sacrament meeting, without having to take Juliet out. That was really nice. The reason we got to stay in was because we had lots of backup. Grandma, Grandpa and lots of cousins. Last Saturday I went to a bridal shower for Malena Perkins. She is marrying Dan Kelly, Kellen's best friend. The shower was really fun and let's just say she blushed a lot, but it was all so cute and fun. Kellen and I are so excited that they found each other. Kellen has been feeling a little out of the loop because since Dan was single and we were married and have a kid, they couldn't really hang out and relate to each other. so that's all I got. Enjoy
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Still kicking
I did it!!!! I taught my class and from what the other teachers said about their students I had the best ones. I found out that the students last week picked out the top three classes that they wanted to go to. Well everyone wanted to go to mine and so there were some very disappointed students, but it still made me feel great. I had three boys in my class. THEY PAYED ATTENTION REALLY GOOD. All the students were from an alternative school and it had been a long time since they had gotten to go on a field trip. So they were driiled that they had to be really good. Anyway so after the class we had to meet up with all the other students and evrybody came over to look at what my students had made as a part of the activity we did. They were all jealous because all they had gotten from the other teachers were paper handouts and what we had made were slabs of clay with immpressions of seashells. They looked cool.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Super Nervous
Okay so I took this class this semester called Praticum in Geology teaching. It is a class really geared for education majors, but I took it because i needed more credits. So since it is a teaching class I must teach a class of my own. I teach it tomorrow and I am starting to get nervous. I haven't been thinking about it too hard because Kellen and I spoke in church on tithing so I was focused on that. Those nerves are gone and now these ones are setting in. In a way I feel good because my class has the most students signed up for it, but that just makes me feel like I have to be that much better than anything else that is getting taught. man a big shout out to teachers. YOU are Awesome. This figuring out what and where to teach stuff is harder than my brain really wants to deal with it. Thank you teachers. Anyway that is my getting the nerves out on the line i guess.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sweetheart Tag
Each person answers questions about their sweethearts.At the end of the post, the person then tags 6 people and posts their names; then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment, letting them know they have been tagged.
What is your husbands name? Kellen Joshua Reynolds
How long have you guys been married? 2 years 5.5months
How long did you date? We met in September 2005, got engaged on February 18,2006 and were married May 24, 2006, so about six months plus or minus
How old is he? Kellen is 25
Who is taller? Kell, but it isn't hard to be taller than me.
Who can sing best? I will claim to be a singer, but Kellen has a very nice voice that he keeps tucked away. I really love it when he sings bass. I have always been a sucker for a bass voice.
Who is smarter? We have our own strenghts and weekness. He knows mechanically stuff, which is good because when it comes to some of the stuff I have no clue, and I am a farm girl. I think smartness is in if you can teach/explain it, Which Kell can do with mechanics and I am able to understand. I am more of what you call book smart, though I do have my moments of genius
Who does laundry? That one is a me. Though if I ask Kellen he will move the loads through for me because I ran out of time and had to go to class.
Who pays the bills? I write out the checks and get them all ready to go, so I guess I do, though Kellen does them every now and again. He really likes it when I do it because then he doesn't have to see how much of his money is gone.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do, actually. Strange (to my sisters we all sleep on the right side, interesting)
Who mows the lawn? We are renting so we don't have to mow, but we are responsible to water the lawn.
Who cooks dinner? I do, and I usually make extra so Kellen can take the leftovers for lunch at work the next day.
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? I am usually the one that is wrong. I usually end up picking a fight where I know I am wrong, but those are usually the ones where I pick it because i am hungry and tired. Kellen has learned to notice that when I do that he just needs to get some food into me, and then I am usually a much much happier person.
Who kissed who first? Kellen kissed me. I was so not prepared for it either. We were both wearing ball caps. Very difficult kiss, but he did it anyway. My knees went weak, I had to sit down. I found out later I was his first kiss. AHH that makes me feel special everytime I think about it.
Who wears the pants? He wears the pants, but we keep the communtication lines open so he knows what I think and I can get a leg in everyso often.
I tag Kara. Monica stole all of my other people I would tag.
Friday, November 7, 2008
So this is Jet and me playing around. Isn't that smile precious
So these pictures are backwards, but you can still enjoy them
Can I tell you there is a cool girl in the house.
I put her in the laundry basket and then pushed her around in it. she thought it was a blast.
Okay she was a zebra for Halloween A big thank you to my sister Monica for lending me the costume. She was so cute. I was a cowgirl with boots, hat, and belt buckle. Sorry no picture of me is to be had because I was the one behind the camera. Kellen was off to help in the harvest so I went to my friend Kara's halloween party.
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