Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Some from August
Okay here is some from August. There are a lot because i got a new picture card and am now able to take a whole lot more pictures on the higher resolution than I could before.
This is the camping trip with Kellen's brothers and sisters and parents. We rode up to a lake each day. This one of Jet (who actually smiled for the camera) is at Baptie (I can't spell it today)
mason driving home from the camping trip. He was so excited. Juliet was asleep as soon as we got on the road, but not Mason he was giggling and laughing the whole time.
I just think this too funny not to share. What balance, right! I had set up a little pool on an epecially hot day and let the kids play in it. Jet got into the water, but Mason only wanted to spalsh from the side. he still got as wet as Juliet so it was okay because they both got cooled off.
Catch up of July
Okay so I have been a bad blogger. I'll admit it, I am mostly updating because my sister did her weekly email in just directing everyone to her blog because she had updated and I decided I would maybe do the same thing. These are from July.
Kellen getting ready to wally behind the boat at Lake Powell. I was actually suprised when he said he would like to try it again. He told me afterward that he thinks he finally understands why it is such a thrill to ski behind the boat.
This is before we dropped the kids off so we could go to Powell. We were ahead of schedule and so we drove up to see where the Teton Dam broke. I had only seen it once before and that was on the way home from Girl's Camp and so before I had all of my Geology schooling. So it was really cool for me to go there and tell Kellen about it.
I just thought this picture was funny. She broke the clasp on that necklace (which I have had since i was little) so I turned it into a stretchy one (works much better) she just looks like a rock star.
Mason and Kellen on the 4th of July waiting for the fireworks to start. They lit the mountain on fire, but I guess they do it about every year and so they were prepared. It was a really good show. We went to the one in Arco this year.
I love this picture. Jet is determined to fish. She is scared of fish. and she won't let us help her to cast her line. so we tied a bobber to the end of her line and let her pretend her was fishing. This is at Ironbog Lake We rode up on the horses and had lunch here as well. It was a fun, but cooler day.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Some pictures of May
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
April pictures
So I decided I might as well put up a few pictures of April. Mostly due to the facct that my kids are both still asleep.
Mason defintely likes silky fabrics. I keep my baby blanket in the crib so he can snuggle with it.
We have gotten a dog. We figured that by getting a puppy we would help Juliet to overcome her fear of dogs and it has worked. He is pretty smart. We call him Spud. Kellen called him that one day and it stuck.
Mason's first time out on the grass. He was pretty determined to get Spud. I had to keep putting him back on the blanket
Juliet outside playing in the dirt. The picture doesn't show it too well but she has her shoes off and is in the process of filling one up with dirt so she can dump it on Spud.
My smiley little boy who really isn't all that little at all. He has cut his first tooth and three more are well on the way. He eats everything. I will feed him a mini bowl heaping with oatmeal then a baby food fruit cup and then he will drink an 8 oz. bottle on top of that. We are working on our house. Painting the kitchen cupboards, replacing hinges and handles. I got a dishwasher and Kellen had to make a cubby for it so I now have a dishwasher a broom closet and a big cupboard that I can literally stuff anything into. It is awesome.
A few pictures
These pictures load backwards time wise, but I guess that doesn't really matter all that much. These are from March. We aren't the best at taking pictures. I take them and Kellen won't unless I specifically ask him too, so I won't be in any, but enjoy.
Mason trying to stand. He did actually pretty good for his first time. he has since gotten quite proficient at it.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
The latest
I know I know I have not been a good blogger lately. I can't say that I really have done anything really worth writing about. It continues to be freezing temperatures here and I am so glad for our fireplace. Our electric heaters don't have to run so much when the is going. We spent Christmas at our home and then spent the day at Kellen's parent's house. I ate a lot of junk food and paid for it with my nursing baby having an upset tummy. We are back to trying to eat better and are not doing too bad. Both my kids are happy that we are staying at home and not off visiting everybody. They also take their naps a lot easier which is nice on the mommy. Kellen got to have a whole week off for Christmas break. Jet was so happy that he would be the one getting her out of bed. He mostly did it because I needed sleep because I would have to stay up half the night with Mason. That is going better as well. We are continuing to get things together to buy this house. And maybe one of these days it will happen. I lead the music in Sacrament Meeting and Kellen is in the young mens. I know this is short, but so is life and so I must get going to acomplish something today.
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