Monday, March 16, 2009
A working sink
Okay so the sink in our bathroom has never really worked right and drained really, really slow. We knew that we were going to have to pull off the pipe and clean it out, but we kept putting it off. I was complaining about it the other day and Kellen told me that as soon as I cleared out all the stuff that is under the sink he would clean it all out. So I went to work and got the bathroom ready for my handyman husband to fix the sink. Juliet was anxious to be in on all the action and kept trying to take the bucket I had gotten for Kellen to use. So I sat there holding Juliet while Kellen pulled off the pipe. Jet was not happy that she couldn't help or see well enough so I decided to shut the door because the smell was awful and I couldn't take it. Now our sink is in perfect working order. Kellen told me that that sink hasn't been cleared out in years because the junk that was clogging the pipe went clear back into the pipe that was going into the wall. When he dumped it in the dumpster it looked like a rat. GROSS I know, but I am so happy that it was done. It seems that almost each apartment we have moved into we have had to clean out the drain on the bathroom sink, which just like this one haven't been clean out in years. So I guess that is all I really have got for you readers today. Write again another time, probably when I am putting off doing some homework. That is always when I feel the real need to blogand update.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Juliet's Birthday
So I need to say thank you to all my family that was able to come and for what you brought to help with the meal. I tried to thank each of you, but I am sure I missed a few, so THANK YOU for helping to make Jet's birthday so memorable at least for Kellen and I. Jet probably won't remember it, but we will.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Old Pictures
Okay so I know that these pictures are really old. From Christmas, but as I was looking at my own blog I realized that I hadn't put any pictures up for a long time. Mainly because these are some of the last pictures we have taken. Right after we came back from Christmas holiday my whole family got sick with the flu and it got Jet first. Needless to say she threw up in sacrament meeting and we left. Well luckily( or however you look at it) Jet mostly got the diaper bag and the wipes were quickly used to wipe the bag and as best I could the carpet. We noticed that the side pocket the spilled contents went into was the one where I had quickly put the camera to ensure it came home with us from my parents. It was covered and so we really haven't used it since then. Mostly because after some testing we discovered that the battery needed charged back up and we couldn't find it. ( I had put it somewhere safe and I couldn't remember where that was) So toady I made it my mission to find the charger and I did. So there should be some newer pictures forth coming but today you get to look at christmas photos (Oh how fun)
This is after all the presents have been opened at my parents house and we put Jet in this box. She played in it for quite a while. (long enough for me to get a couple of pictures)
I was goofing around with Jet and she loved the idea of the santa hat.
Although she didn't want to keep it on her head for very long I was able to get this picture
This is Jet in yet another box, but this was before Christmas when I was wrapping up all the presents. She was so anxious to help that I put her in the box to try to contain her for a few minutes so I could finish with the last present I was wrapping.
Hope you enjoyed my rewind back to Christmas.
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