Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So it goes

Hello everybody that actually reads my blog. I have been going crazy lately i swear. Juliet is becoming quite the little wineybaby and I can only take it so long. Kellen can take it even less. I think the reason for the crying is because now that her front two bottom teeth have come up her top two are right behind them. This is causing much of the long nights at my home. Last night Juliet woke up at 12 wanting a bottle. I had been up late going to bed at 11 because of the book Brisngr For all that haven't started yet, it is really good and that is all that I shall dwell on that subject for MJ's sake. Anyway so I get up feed the baby and crawl back into bed to hear her again at 2. So I drag myself out of bed go into her room and turn on the lamp. She looks at me and gives a huge grin (HAHA mommy I got you ouy of bed and since you are up we can play) Because that is all she really wanted to do. I was so furious. I put her back in her crib, put her blanket over her and went back to bed. I also closed her door so I wouldn't be able to hear her little protests at me. She then decides at 6 to get up again. I must mention that Kellen gets out of bed at 5 so he can go to work and always gives me a good bye kiss. Which also wakes me up, but I enjoy that so back to the story. She wants up and I refused to get out of bed. She cried but it wasn't dire need of a bottle just wanting to be out of bed. She ended up falling back to sleep and we both stayed in bed until 8, which I loved. Then I lovingly took care of my Jet and she was actually a lot happier because she had slept a few more hours. Thus I am a tired person today, but I just have to remember that I wanted this. HAHA Anyway that is all for today.


Jon Woodins said...

good luck on that sleep thing. I havn't slept in like 7 years. Mom hasn't slept in like 35. Hope you get a nap soon. We Woodlands get grouchy with out our ZZZ's

Camille said...

Such is motherhood. If men were mothers, they would die because somehow we are able to function on no sleep while they just aren't.