Monday, September 29, 2008

Little teeth

Juliet has teeth. Yup her pearly whites have made their debeau. School is going well for me as the mid-terms are looming ever closer. I pretend to not be afraid. I miss my baby while I am in school, but I also know that this is going to be the time to get my education done or else it will only become harder to get done. The end is close. Monica and Kellen's sister, Lacey watch Juliet for me. I owe them both so much.

1 comment:

Jon Woodins said...

Juliet is a gem to watch. Don't worry I'll get my payback from you sooner or later. Honestly I love watching your daughter. We need a little bit more pink in this house. And I love getting to see you a couple of times each week. Study hard and holler if you need me to watch her any extra time so you can be ready for tests.
Love ya!